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Friday, September 21, 2007

Greenpeace Launches Attack on GM Crops in Romania

Greenpeace has launched a major attack against
production and marketing of genetically modified cereals in Romania.

The environmental organisation announced earlier this month that it had
discovered illegal plantations of genetically modified (GM) soya and corn over
110 hectares in Insula Mare a Brailei, a wide stretch of land in county Braila,
200 km east of capital Bucharest.

"Both soya and corn seeds used in Braila have been produced by U.S. company
Monsanto," Gabriel Paun, coordinator for Romania of the Greenpeace anti-GMO
(genetically modified organisms) campaign told IPS.

Cultivation of GM soya is illegal in the European Union (EU), and starting this
year in Romania as well. But cultivation of MON810, the type of genetically
modified corn found in Braila, is allowed in some EU states.

Greenpeace argues that....

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