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Friday, September 21, 2007

"It's Time for We the People to Put the 'Decider' Through the Decider Mill"

Swami Beyondananda Calls for Impeachment

by Swami Beyondananda

As a devout FUNdamentalist (accent on "fun") dedicated to bringing about
Nonjudgment Day, I try to avoid judging and blame. In fact, I think people
who judge are terrible, and those who blame are the cause of all the world's
problems. And as a Swami -- even a fake one -- I feel obliged to be above
politics. But no matter how high I try to rise above it on my magic carpet,
the smell is unavoidable. The perpetrations of this Administration stink to
high heaven.

Now we know the whole idea of impeachment is tinged with partisanship,
particularly in the light of the Bill Clinton affair. Indeed, Clinton
publicly lied about a private matter and the Republicans gleefully made his
privates public. But now even Republicans must face the sad truth that
America has traded one lie-about for another who will lie about anything and
everything. Not to excuse cheating on Hillary, but our current lie-about
has been unfaithful to the Constitution and the rule of law. Bush and
Cheney have been cheating on all of us. (And yes, both must be impeached.
If we want justice to be done, we have to go right up the

In addition to producing and directing The Iraqi Horror Picture Show --
and using G-rated trailers to hide X-rated content -- the Bush-Cheney
Administration has instituted a disturbing policy of "ethic cleansing."
This cleansing of ethical people from positions of power not only has caused
our entire moral compass to go south, but has allowed "psychopathogens"
(opportunistic organisms with a poisonality disorder) to infect the body
politic, and the political discourse. Meanwhile, the "fear-gnomes" --
little gnomes of gnawing fear -- the Administration injected into the
mainstream lowered our resistance to Mad Cowboy Disease, an affliction we're
still suffering from.

But, as the saying goes, the truth shall upset you free. George Bush
has been an enlightening rod to enlighten and awaken a slumbering body
politic to an issue that is bigger than politics -- the rule of law vs. the
overrule of law. And now after being abused by the abuse of power, the
American people are starting to disabuse themselves. They are waking up and
wising up, and that's good because we could use a good upwising in this
country. Despite a massive media impropaganda machine that feeds the public
"babblum" (strained B.S. made digestible for a simple child's mind), more
and more Americans are reading between the lyin's and peering behind the
Irony Curtain.

We are awakening to realize that we the people are the "deciders," and
ultimately we get to decide who our Decider will be ... and who to put
through the decider mill. And the issue is bigger than Democrats vs.
Republicans. The real issue is "buy-partisan." Parties in both parties are
being bought, and our public servants are serving up huge chunks of the
commonwealth to help gold collar criminals become uncommonly wealthy.

The good news is, we don't need a revolution in this country. We
already had one. Now we need an American Evolution to reconstitute the
Constitution from the grassroots up and reestablish the dream of our
Founding Fathers -- government of the people, by the people and for the
people where the government does our bidding not the bidding of the highest

How do we start the evolution? By firing the first big shots.

It's time for left and right to come front and center to stand for our
highest values instead of falling for the lowest common dominator. It's
time to impeach the entire impeachable system where the rule of gold has
overruled the Golden Rule. And the time to act is now. Why? Because it is
too late to do it sooner.

I have a dream. Imagine going to the voting booth and casting your vote
for ... the greater of two goods. Oh, and impeachment has another benefit.
If we are successful, we will have a woman President -- without having to
elect Hillary.


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